Anne-Laure Brossard

Anne-Laure Brossard is a french physiotherapist graduated from university of Girona (Spain) in 2014.

She always has a holistic vision, and never treats only a pathology but a patient with his/her history.

She cures musculoskeletal injuries acute as tendonitis, muscle tears, fractures, patellar syndrome...
She heals spine disorders such as cervicalgias, lumbagos, ciaticas...
She also serves as pelvic floor and pregnant women specialist.

For each rehabilitation, she will make a comprehensive assessment in order to create a personalised rehabilitation.

She can use several techniques for the purpose of being efficient.  She can do manual therapy, use biofeedback, strengthening exercises, postural exercises... At Happiness Clinic, she employs technology  radiofrequency INDIBA (called TECAR or CRET therapy) to accelerate results of treatment.

Anne-Laure regularly follows training in order to be at the forefront of medical evolutions.

She speaks English, French and Spanish.

Relevant trainings:

⦁ Busquet method: physiological chains

⦁ Kinesiotaping

⦁ Understanding scars

⦁ Pilates Matwork 1

⦁ Ankle manual therapy

⦁ De Gasquet : abds stop the massacre

⦁ Women Pelvic floor fundamentals ippp

⦁ Manual therapy in pelvic floor 

⦁ Manual therapy in perinatality

⦁ Guillarme method

⦁ Hypnoanalgesia

Example of pathologies treated (non exhaustive list)

⦁ Tendonitis

⦁ Tennis elbow

⦁ Capsulitis, frozen shoulder

⦁ Muscular tear

⦁ Ankle sprain   

⦁ Knee sprain

⦁ Fractures

⦁ Patellar syndrome

⦁ Gonalgia

⦁ Knee, hip replacement

⦁ Lumbalgia

⦁ Cervicalgia

⦁ Thoracic pain

⦁ Urinary Incontinence

⦁ Pelvic pain

⦁ All musculoskeletal pregnancy disorders